Hello and welcome to our association's webpage! Our association is a vibrant and lively association, and we welcome anyone who shares Conservative values and wants to make a difference in their community. As an inclusive association, we welcome new members and there are many different ways you can get involved, from delivering leaflets to standing as a candidate in local elections. If you'd like to get involved just get in touch! You can like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
Our association's Chairman is Sylvia Gillespie-Bell. To support the Chair we have two Deputy Chairs Thomas Hall and Kashmir Purewal. The association meets on a monthly basis. If you'd like to join, please contact us!
Our diverse association is made up of people from many different walks of life, all working together to ensure we #KeepBroxtoweBlue. We currently have members sitting on the Borough Council and Nottinghamshire County Council. Broxtowe is a great place to live and we want to ensure it stays that way. We are always wanting to attract new members so why not contact us and get involved.
Why not likes us Facebook?
Broxtowe Borough Council and Nottinghamshire County Council
The Council's are made up of committees and working groups, each having their own remit. To find out more about each committee visit the Broxtowe Borough and Nottinghamshire County Council websites. The calendar for Broxtowe Committee Meetings and Nottinghamshire County Council Committee Meetings click respectively.
If you're interested in joining your local Conservatives, please contact us. See our events page for opportunities to meet the team and don't hesitate to contact us and get involved.